Covid-19 Vaccine Conspiracy

 There are many conspiracies in the world, like pigeons are spies for the government, Marilyn Monroe's death was a suicide, or Hollywood is run by the Illuminati. But, the most recent one today in the world is the Covid-19 Vaccine. Now, I bet you’re wondering “how could there be any theories about that?” Well, people come up with just about anything. Some will say it's here to help us and protect us from the nasty virus, and others think it's the way for the government to keep tabs on us. Now, since this is something ongoing in our world today, this is the perfect opportunity to explore all the theories out there.

Character Analysis:

So I think we should start with one of the most popular vaccines out there: The Moderna Vaccine. One of the creators of this vaccine is none other than  Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett. In my own words, I would like to say that she is highly intelligent and inspiring. Dr. Corbett gives young women across the world the chance to look at someone like themselves and discover all the wonderful things in health science that both women and men can contribute to. According to Dr. Corbett’s Academic profile, (

Kizzmekia S Corbett | Academic Profile | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health) she is very

invested in her career and has over 15 years of

experience in these types of matters. She is also a

huge advocate for STEM education and vaccine


The Pfizer vaccine is the next best thing compared to Moderna. It is known to cause a lot of different side effects so you can see why people are skeptical about getting these shots. But there is one brightside to this vaccine, the creators Dr. Ugur Sahin and his wife Dr. Ozlem Tureci. 

Dr. Sahin is known to be someone who is humble and modest, as we can tell from how he has helped our community there is no one else who we would want for the job. Despite everything that has become of this vaccine he still tries to keep that kind attitude. Dr. Ozlem Tureci would be described as someone who is selfless, her and Dr. Sahin were very happy to help the people around our world fight the nasty Coronavirus.( One of the billionaire scientists behind the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on what's next )

Now onto one of  the most important topics of this article. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny she claimed that the Covid-19 Vaccines could cause people to turn into magnets, and that was due to the 5g telecommunication towers that are located pretty much everywhere( Doctors Debunk 9 Popular COVID-19 Vaccine Myths and Conspiracy Theories ), But that seems to be proven wrong. If there was one word to describe her it would be Imaginative, because she is someone that came up with this conspiracy. People all around the world believe this to be true thanks to Dr. Tenpenny, so it really goes to say do you believe it?

The Conspiracies:

So there are many things out there saying if you get any of Covid-19 vaccines the government will put a chip in your arm and use that to track your every move. Mr.Sandoval Iniguez was the first person to say so on his Facebook page, stating “ The chip that they are planning to put into the vaccine is to control people, It is the mark of the beast ( As Covid-19 Vaccine Microchip Conspiracy Theories Spread, Here Are Responses On Twitter ). 

It is the number one narrative going around in the world right now, a lot of Americans have decided that is the main reason to not get the vaccine which is doing more harm than helping itself. They are basically saying that they would rather spread this deadly virus instead of helping themselves and the people around them. For someone to spread these false rumors is dangerous. There is also another rumor going around that if you get the shot you will also become magnetic, and you will see many people on Tik Tok, Facebook, and Instagram trying to prove it by sticking a pennie on their arms. It was an ongoing trend in 2020-2021 which has kind of settled down for now.


 As of 2022 you won't hear much these days about these kinds of trends but there are still some people who are skeptical about these vaccines, and I mean why shouldn't they? You don’t know what's in them,They were made awfully fast. But at the end of the day the Coronavirus is a deadly virus that can cause harm to you, your friends, and family which is why you should always take extra precautions by caring for yourself. Like wearing a mask, washing your hands, steering clear of large crowds, but at the end of the day that doesn’t mean you’ll have to stop having fun it just means protect you and your loved ones. So no matter what you believe about Covid-19 or its shots, always try to protect you and those around you. And one more thing make sure you thank your Teachers, Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and Pharmacy Technicians for helping everyone during these difficult times.


By: Madison Knoch 
